Re-Vitalize Body, Mind & Spirit




Feel like something is missing? Like you’re at a critical crossroads for your mental health or spiritual well-being? Struggling to overcome the limiting factors currently preventing you from realizing your ideal self?

Seeking a sign? Good – You found it.

Whatever your current struggle, know that men have been dealing with it in some form or another throughout history. You are not alone. Despite what you may think, your suffering is not all that  unique. Right here is your opportunity to step into a supportive Collective where you can be unfiltered about your experience while being held accountable by men of honor to overcome your challenges and reach your greatness.

Welcome to the Savage & Saint Collective.


A Coddle-Free & Cruelty-Free Approach

You don't need to be cuddled by some hippie dippie namaste numb-skull anymore than you need a fake Navy Seal wannabe drill sergeant screaming in your face in order for you to build yourself into something better.

The path toward your excellence is simple. I’m not here to sugar-coat the origins of your struggles, but I’m certainly not here to beat you up either. The Savage & Saint Collective is here to BUILD you up, by helping you find the critical balance of discipline and compassion required for you to propel yourself into the personal greatness you know you're destined for.


A Powerful & Practical Framework That Really Works

Enjoy a dynamic curriculum filled with powerful and practical lessons specifically designed to help you become the man you’re meant to be.

When you step into The Savage & Saint Collective you'll receive a blueprint for your personal revolution: a no-bullshit, concise, practical, 360 approach to masculine wellness - inside and out. Digestible lessons and sage advice on nutrition, sleep hygiene, breathwork, meditation, sexual virility, emotional IQ, and more are combined in a powerhouse philosophy to reactivate modern man’s vitality, self-confidence, and inner harmony.

Michael Holt Photo


A Powerful & Practical Framework That Really Works

Enjoy a dynamic curriculum filled with powerful and practical lessons specifically designed to help you become the man you’re meant to be.

When you step into The Savage & Saint Collective you'll receive a blueprint for your personal revolution: a no-bullshit, concise, practical, 360 approach to masculine wellness - inside and out. Digestible lessons and sage advice on nutrition, sleep hygiene, breathwork, meditation, sexual virility, emotional IQ, and more are combined in a powerhouse philosophy to reactivate modern man’s vitality, self-confidence, and inner harmony.


Optimize Your Daily Life & Find Deeper Meaning

Break free from the prison of mediocrity and experience palpable improvements to your sense of happiness and energy. Access and baseline a new sense of authentic confidence. You will be amazed at how your new life unfolds when you seriously accept the supreme challenge of becoming the master of your own mind.

Want to learn how? Start with the Free Email Course, explore the complimentary Resources page, and pick your lane to get down with The Savage & Saint Collective.


Join Michael Holt, founder of The Savage & Saint Collective, for live online calls. Bolster your progress on your path of self development, refine your understanding of the foundational practices for optimizing masculine vitality, and deepen your contemplative skills with expert meditation instruction.

Explore guided practices specifically designed to help you reach new levels of performance excellence and self satisfaction. In our online community, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions in real time and leverage the precious resource of accountability from your peers.

Masculine Vitality Program (MVP)

Improve your life across multiple domains with this unique online program on optimal self-governance. The Masculine Vitality Program contains the foundational information that any man who would access his highest potential must know and live. You will learn best practices in the realms of meditation, breath work, nutrition, sleep optimization, and much more.

By living the practices I preach, and seeing them transform the lives of so many, I can personally promise that if you truly commit to this program, your life will improve in subtle and significant ways. Through this curriculum, clarity will emerge, and you will transcend current limiting factors - both internal and external.


The Savage & Saint Collective proudly offers in-person transformational men's retreats several times a year. Do not miss this precious opportunity to experience the profoundly liberating shifts that occur through accessing concentrated states of transcendent focus for multiple days.

Until you actually experience what happens on retreat, you will never understand how powerfully it can propel your journey in becoming the man you know you can be.


Ideal for professionals, creatives, athletes, and entrepreneurs at the top of their field who are ready to leverage the incomparable advantage of private consulting services across the domains of purpose, relationship, finances, health, depth, and freedom.

Schedule a discovery call below to learn more about Michael’s private consulting practice.

5 Rare Skills Every Man Needs To Access Vitality, Excellence, & Freedom​

✓ FREE 2-week email course
✓ Powerful daily practices
✓ Revolutionary action
It works, if you do the work.

Warning: This training contains the proven practices that will have you feeling clear, confident, capable, & ready to CONQUER.